Our Management

Skill Development and Management Studies Council is an autonomous body. The role of education in facilitating social and economic progress has long been recognized.

Board Of Management

The management board of the NSDTC is the principal executive body of the institution. The board’s main responsibilities include establishing and supporting the institutions vision and mission, acting as the legal owners of the institution, ensuring the institution is sustainable, evaluating performance and reviewing and creating policies. The management board has to promote skill-based programs in the field of skill training and management studies.

Advisory BOARD

The advisory board consist of renowned academicians and field functionaries in skill development training in India and abroad to give their expert advice on academic policies and programs of the SDMS Council. The board responsible to give technical advice related to skill development training.

Academic BOARD

Academic board exercises general supervision over the academic work of the institution, methods of evaluation, research, and improvement in technical standards. It prepares framework and curriculum for various programmes. It determines training standard of the institution with national and international standards.

Executive BOARD

Executive board is the institution monitor and control the executive functions. It assists the management in the discharge of many of its functions of technical and administrative nature to strengthen the institution in all respects.

Examination BOARD

Examination board is for to conduct of examination in various centers of SDMS Council. The board is responsible for all the processes related to Examination like assessment, paper evaluation and viva-voce etc… It functions under control of the management board. It takes all measures to maintain reliability, validity and credibility of the examinations conducted by the institution.


This organization aims to provide trainings and technical support to the skill development training program for social and economic development of the nation.

The main functions of SDMS Council are:

  • Create opportunities for all to acquire skills throughout life, and especially for youth, women, person with disabilities and disadvantaged groups.
  • Promote commitment by all stakeholders to own skill development initiatives.
  • Develop a high-quality skilled workforce/ entrepreneur relevant to current and emerging employment market needs.
  • To spread the promotion of education and training in all branches, more specifically in science and technology
  • To undertake propaganda, training and education of the masses
  • To conduct and co-ordinate technical and educational development programs like lectures, seminars, workshops, demonstration, and conferences.
  • To conduct, coordinate and certify various skill and career development programs.
  • Feed economy with qualified staff competitive both on local and international labour market, ensure a match between the fast-changing labour market